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Rafael Algarin (2003ALGA01) has 26041 nemeses in the world:

  • 2003AKIM01: Masayuki Akimoto (秋元正行)
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (1652)
  • See who I nemesize (90639)
2003AKIM01 Masayuki Akimoto (秋元正行)
View Masayuki Akimoto (秋元正行)'s WCA profile
Compare Masayuki Akimoto (秋元正行) with Rafael Algarin
  • 2003BABC01: Peter Babcock
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (4039)
  • See who I nemesize (76049)
2003BABC01 Peter Babcock
View Peter Babcock's WCA profile
Compare Peter Babcock with Rafael Algarin
  • 2003BARR01: David Barr
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (2064)
  • See who I nemesize (72499)
2003BARR01 David Barr
View David Barr's WCA profile
Compare David Barr with Rafael Algarin
  • 2003BRAN01: Kenneth Brandon
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (17460)
  • See who I nemesize (48649)
2003BRAN01 Kenneth Brandon
View Kenneth Brandon's WCA profile
Compare Kenneth Brandon with Rafael Algarin
  • 2003BRUC01: Ron van Bruchem
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (160)
  • See who I nemesize (184184)
2003BRUC01 Ron van Bruchem
View Ron van Bruchem's WCA profile
Compare Ron van Bruchem with Rafael Algarin
  • 2003BURT01: Bob Burton
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (343)
  • See who I nemesize (146714)
2003BURT01 Bob Burton
View Bob Burton's WCA profile
Compare Bob Burton with Rafael Algarin
  • 2003DENN01: Ton Dennenbroek
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (403)
  • See who I nemesize (155897)
2003DENN01 Ton Dennenbroek
View Ton Dennenbroek's WCA profile
Compare Ton Dennenbroek with Rafael Algarin
  • 2003HARD01: Chris Hardwick
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (26)
  • See who I nemesize (153716)
2003HARD01 Chris Hardwick
View Chris Hardwick's WCA profile
Compare Chris Hardwick with Rafael Algarin
  • 2003HARR01: Dan Harris
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (728)
  • See who I nemesize (120001)
2003HARR01 Dan Harris
View Dan Harris's WCA profile
Compare Dan Harris with Rafael Algarin
  • 2003HELT01: Koen Heltzel
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (3754)
  • See who I nemesize (82496)
2003HELT01 Koen Heltzel
View Koen Heltzel's WCA profile
Compare Koen Heltzel with Rafael Algarin
  • 2003LARS01: Anders Larsson
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (2589)
  • See who I nemesize (83596)
2003LARS01 Anders Larsson
View Anders Larsson's WCA profile
Compare Anders Larsson with Rafael Algarin
  • 2003LEEJ01: Jasmine Lee
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (6515)
  • See who I nemesize (106566)
2003LEEJ01 Jasmine Lee
View Jasmine Lee's WCA profile
Compare Jasmine Lee with Rafael Algarin
  • 2003LIDO01: Doug Li
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (812)
  • See who I nemesize (147392)
2003LIDO01 Doug Li
View Doug Li's WCA profile
Compare Doug Li with Rafael Algarin
  • 2003MAKI01: Shotaro Makisumi (牧角章太郎)
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (131)
  • See who I nemesize (115419)
2003MAKI01 Shotaro Makisumi (牧角章太郎)
View Shotaro Makisumi (牧角章太郎)'s WCA profile
Compare Shotaro Makisumi (牧角章太郎) with Rafael Algarin
  • 2003MORR01: Frank Morris
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (1448)
  • See who I nemesize (106463)
2003MORR01 Frank Morris
View Frank Morris's WCA profile
Compare Frank Morris with Rafael Algarin
  • 2003MORR02: Jon Morris
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (14260)
  • See who I nemesize (62174)
2003MORR02 Jon Morris
View Jon Morris's WCA profile
Compare Jon Morris with Rafael Algarin
  • 2003PATT01: Richard Patterson
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (2329)
  • See who I nemesize (105399)
2003PATT01 Richard Patterson
View Richard Patterson's WCA profile
Compare Richard Patterson with Rafael Algarin
  • 2003POCH01: Stefan Pochmann
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (104)
  • See who I nemesize (166410)
2003POCH01 Stefan Pochmann
View Stefan Pochmann's WCA profile
Compare Stefan Pochmann with Rafael Algarin
  • 2003RUET01: Jake Rueth
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (4706)
  • See who I nemesize (86678)
2003RUET01 Jake Rueth
View Jake Rueth's WCA profile
Compare Jake Rueth with Rafael Algarin
  • 2003TREG02: Grant Tregay
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (1832)
  • See who I nemesize (118185)
2003TREG02 Grant Tregay
View Grant Tregay's WCA profile
Compare Grant Tregay with Rafael Algarin
  • 2003VAND01: Lars Vandenbergh
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (329)
  • See who I nemesize (164359)
2003VAND01 Lars Vandenbergh
View Lars Vandenbergh's WCA profile
Compare Lars Vandenbergh with Rafael Algarin
  • 2003WESL01: David Wesley
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (14921)
  • See who I nemesize (59382)
2003WESL01 David Wesley
View David Wesley's WCA profile
Compare David Wesley with Rafael Algarin
  • 2003WINO01: Ian Winokur
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (498)
  • See who I nemesize (86038)
2003WINO01 Ian Winokur
View Ian Winokur's WCA profile
Compare Ian Winokur with Rafael Algarin
  • 2004BARG01: Rommy Barghout
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (20657)
  • See who I nemesize (52330)
2004BARG01 Rommy Barghout
View Rommy Barghout's WCA profile
Compare Rommy Barghout with Rafael Algarin
  • 2004BECH01: Michel Bechtatou
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (5470)
  • See who I nemesize (62549)
2004BECH01 Michel Bechtatou
View Michel Bechtatou's WCA profile
Compare Michel Bechtatou with Rafael Algarin
  • 2004BERG01: Mattias Berglund
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (16729)
  • See who I nemesize (55750)
2004BERG01 Mattias Berglund
View Mattias Berglund's WCA profile
Compare Mattias Berglund with Rafael Algarin
  • 2004BISC01: Thomas Bischof
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (21037)
  • See who I nemesize (56207)
2004BISC01 Thomas Bischof
View Thomas Bischof's WCA profile
Compare Thomas Bischof with Rafael Algarin
  • 2004BORD01: Bertrand Bordage
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (15779)
  • See who I nemesize (60858)
2004BORD01 Bertrand Bordage
View Bertrand Bordage's WCA profile
Compare Bertrand Bordage with Rafael Algarin
  • 2004BOSS01: Arjan Bosse
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (7954)
  • See who I nemesize (55157)
2004BOSS01 Arjan Bosse
View Arjan Bosse's WCA profile
Compare Arjan Bosse with Rafael Algarin
  • 2004BOUC01: Charles Bouchart
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (15695)
  • See who I nemesize (58420)
2004BOUC01 Charles Bouchart
View Charles Bouchart's WCA profile
Compare Charles Bouchart with Rafael Algarin
  • 2004CHAM01: Edouard Chambon
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (269)
  • See who I nemesize (156609)
2004CHAM01 Edouard Chambon
View Edouard Chambon's WCA profile
Compare Edouard Chambon with Rafael Algarin
  • 2004CHAN01: Alan Chang
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (291)
  • See who I nemesize (128442)
2004CHAN01 Alan Chang
View Alan Chang's WCA profile
Compare Alan Chang with Rafael Algarin
  • 2004CONN01: Sean Connolly
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (6061)
  • See who I nemesize (82526)
2004CONN01 Sean Connolly
View Sean Connolly's WCA profile
Compare Sean Connolly with Rafael Algarin
  • 2004FEDE01: Angelo Federico
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (19377)
  • See who I nemesize (72367)
2004FEDE01 Angelo Federico
View Angelo Federico's WCA profile
Compare Angelo Federico with Rafael Algarin
  • 2004FONN01: Eivind Fonn
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (1134)
  • See who I nemesize (67117)
2004FONN01 Eivind Fonn
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Compare Eivind Fonn with Rafael Algarin
  • 2004FONT01: Benoît Fontaine
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (3403)
  • See who I nemesize (112596)
2004FONT01 Benoît Fontaine
View Benoît Fontaine's WCA profile
Compare Benoît Fontaine with Rafael Algarin
  • 2004FRED02: Per Kristen Fredlund
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (1636)
  • See who I nemesize (58188)
2004FRED02 Per Kristen Fredlund
View Per Kristen Fredlund's WCA profile
Compare Per Kristen Fredlund with Rafael Algarin
  • 2004GALL02: Clément Gallet
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (65)
  • See who I nemesize (151651)
2004GALL02 Clément Gallet
View Clément Gallet's WCA profile
Compare Clément Gallet with Rafael Algarin
  • 2004JIAQ01: Yin Jia Qiu
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (15895)
  • See who I nemesize (55144)
2004JIAQ01 Yin Jia Qiu
View Yin Jia Qiu's WCA profile
Compare Yin Jia Qiu with Rafael Algarin
  • 2004KODR01: Stefan Kodrnja
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (11158)
  • See who I nemesize (64035)
2004KODR01 Stefan Kodrnja
View Stefan Kodrnja's WCA profile
Compare Stefan Kodrnja with Rafael Algarin
  • 2004KRIG01: Gunnar Kantare Krig
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (76)
  • See who I nemesize (207829)
2004KRIG01 Gunnar Kantare Krig
View Gunnar Kantare Krig's WCA profile
Compare Gunnar Kantare Krig with Rafael Algarin
  • 2004KRIG02: Kåre Krig
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (327)
  • See who I nemesize (130990)
2004KRIG02 Kåre Krig
View Kåre Krig's WCA profile
Compare Kåre Krig with Rafael Algarin
  • 2004LOLE01: Leyan Lo
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (380)
  • See who I nemesize (109120)
2004LOLE01 Leyan Lo
View Leyan Lo's WCA profile
Compare Leyan Lo with Rafael Algarin
  • 2004NAGY01: Olivér Nagy
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (4302)
  • See who I nemesize (124030)
2004NAGY01 Olivér Nagy
View Olivér Nagy's WCA profile
Compare Olivér Nagy with Rafael Algarin
  • 2004NILS01: Dennis Nilsson
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (5908)
  • See who I nemesize (75002)
2004NILS01 Dennis Nilsson
View Dennis Nilsson's WCA profile
Compare Dennis Nilsson with Rafael Algarin
  • 2004NOOR01: Joël van Noort
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (353)
  • See who I nemesize (114874)
2004NOOR01 Joël van Noort
View Joël van Noort's WCA profile
Compare Joël van Noort with Rafael Algarin
  • 2004REED01: Doug Reed
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (16726)
  • See who I nemesize (76587)
2004REED01 Doug Reed
View Doug Reed's WCA profile
Compare Doug Reed with Rafael Algarin
  • 2004ROND01: Thomas Rond
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (6322)
  • See who I nemesize (83132)
2004ROND01 Thomas Rond
View Thomas Rond's WCA profile
Compare Thomas Rond with Rafael Algarin
  • 2004ROUX01: Gilles Roux
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (684)
  • See who I nemesize (106366)
2004ROUX01 Gilles Roux
View Gilles Roux's WCA profile
Compare Gilles Roux with Rafael Algarin
  • 2004SECH01: François Sechet
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (981)
  • See who I nemesize (119787)
2004SECH01 François Sechet
View François Sechet's WCA profile
Compare François Sechet with Rafael Algarin
  • 2004WOLF01: Oliver Wolff
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (1789)
  • See who I nemesize (57931)
2004WOLF01 Oliver Wolff
View Oliver Wolff's WCA profile
Compare Oliver Wolff with Rafael Algarin
  • 2004WUCL01: Cliff Wu
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (1254)
  • See who I nemesize (160816)
2004WUCL01 Cliff Wu
View Cliff Wu's WCA profile
Compare Cliff Wu with Rafael Algarin
  • 2004ZAMO01: Adam Zamora
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (721)
  • See who I nemesize (136422)
2004ZAMO01 Adam Zamora
View Adam Zamora's WCA profile
Compare Adam Zamora with Rafael Algarin
  • 2005AGUI01: David Aguila
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (17105)
  • See who I nemesize (67667)
2005AGUI01 David Aguila
View David Aguila's WCA profile
Compare David Aguila with Rafael Algarin
  • 2005AKKE01: Erik Akkersdijk
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (2)
  • See who I nemesize (218503)
2005AKKE01 Erik Akkersdijk
View Erik Akkersdijk's WCA profile
Compare Erik Akkersdijk with Rafael Algarin
  • 2005ALBR01: Tyler Albright
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (5920)
  • See who I nemesize (123095)
2005ALBR01 Tyler Albright
View Tyler Albright's WCA profile
Compare Tyler Albright with Rafael Algarin
  • 2005ASPE01: Lennart Aspelin
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (2769)
  • See who I nemesize (110078)
2005ASPE01 Lennart Aspelin
View Lennart Aspelin's WCA profile
Compare Lennart Aspelin with Rafael Algarin
  • 2005BATI01: Milán Baticz
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (26)
  • See who I nemesize (175603)
2005BATI01 Milán Baticz
View Milán Baticz's WCA profile
Compare Milán Baticz with Rafael Algarin
  • 2005BAUM01: Jason Baum
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (454)
  • See who I nemesize (113954)
2005BAUM01 Jason Baum
View Jason Baum's WCA profile
Compare Jason Baum with Rafael Algarin
  • 2005BERG01: David Bergman
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (4258)
  • See who I nemesize (82756)
2005BERG01 David Bergman
View David Bergman's WCA profile
Compare David Bergman with Rafael Algarin
  • 2005BOUC01: Craig Bouchard
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (183)
  • See who I nemesize (135426)
2005BOUC01 Craig Bouchard
View Craig Bouchard's WCA profile
Compare Craig Bouchard with Rafael Algarin
  • 2005BROW01: Christopher Brownlee
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (15172)
  • See who I nemesize (53281)
2005BROW01 Christopher Brownlee
View Christopher Brownlee's WCA profile
Compare Christopher Brownlee with Rafael Algarin
  • 2005CALL01: Duane Call
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (5361)
  • See who I nemesize (78796)
2005CALL01 Duane Call
View Duane Call's WCA profile
Compare Duane Call with Rafael Algarin
  • 2005CALV02: David Calvo Vivas
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (1075)
  • See who I nemesize (139371)
2005CALV02 David Calvo Vivas
View David Calvo Vivas's WCA profile
Compare David Calvo Vivas with Rafael Algarin
  • 2005CAMP01: Dave Campbell
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (1792)
  • See who I nemesize (94206)
2005CAMP01 Dave Campbell
View Dave Campbell's WCA profile
Compare Dave Campbell with Rafael Algarin
  • 2005CHEN02: Hong Chen
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (1357)
  • See who I nemesize (54446)
2005CHEN02 Hong Chen
View Hong Chen's WCA profile
Compare Hong Chen with Rafael Algarin
  • 2005COCH01: Clancy Cochran
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (12784)
  • See who I nemesize (87698)
2005COCH01 Clancy Cochran
View Clancy Cochran's WCA profile
Compare Clancy Cochran with Rafael Algarin
  • 2005DAYN01: Nathaniel Day
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (3354)
  • See who I nemesize (149268)
2005DAYN01 Nathaniel Day
View Nathaniel Day's WCA profile
Compare Nathaniel Day with Rafael Algarin
  • 2005FERN01: Ravi Fernando
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (136)
  • See who I nemesize (169382)
2005FERN01 Ravi Fernando
View Ravi Fernando's WCA profile
Compare Ravi Fernando with Rafael Algarin
  • 2005FLEI01: Jeremy Fleischman
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (61)
  • See who I nemesize (119299)
2005FLEI01 Jeremy Fleischman
View Jeremy Fleischman's WCA profile
Compare Jeremy Fleischman with Rafael Algarin
  • 2005FUNG01: Michael Fung
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (199)
  • See who I nemesize (145378)
2005FUNG01 Michael Fung
View Michael Fung's WCA profile
Compare Michael Fung with Rafael Algarin
  • 2005GAIN01: Mark Gaines
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (6664)
  • See who I nemesize (60326)
2005GAIN01 Mark Gaines
View Mark Gaines's WCA profile
Compare Mark Gaines with Rafael Algarin
  • 2005GREE02: Peter Greenwood
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (1208)
  • See who I nemesize (96867)
2005GREE02 Peter Greenwood
View Peter Greenwood's WCA profile
Compare Peter Greenwood with Rafael Algarin
  • 2005GUST01: Kenneth Gustavsson
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (4113)
  • See who I nemesize (102281)
2005GUST01 Kenneth Gustavsson
View Kenneth Gustavsson's WCA profile
Compare Kenneth Gustavsson with Rafael Algarin
  • 2005GUST02: Tommy Gustavsson
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (1524)
  • See who I nemesize (106181)
2005GUST02 Tommy Gustavsson
View Tommy Gustavsson's WCA profile
Compare Tommy Gustavsson with Rafael Algarin
  • 2005HANT01: Norbert Hantos
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (616)
  • See who I nemesize (118619)
2005HANT01 Norbert Hantos
View Norbert Hantos's WCA profile
Compare Norbert Hantos with Rafael Algarin
  • 2005HAYA01: Yuki Hayashi (林祐樹)
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (4482)
  • See who I nemesize (86750)
2005HAYA01 Yuki Hayashi (林祐樹)
View Yuki Hayashi (林祐樹)'s WCA profile
Compare Yuki Hayashi (林祐樹) with Rafael Algarin
  • 2005HEYM01: Joël Heymbeeck
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (7147)
  • See who I nemesize (79645)
2005HEYM01 Joël Heymbeeck
View Joël Heymbeeck's WCA profile
Compare Joël Heymbeeck with Rafael Algarin
  • 2005HILL01: Johan Hillerström
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (5586)
  • See who I nemesize (74609)
2005HILL01 Johan Hillerström
View Johan Hillerström's WCA profile
Compare Johan Hillerström with Rafael Algarin
  • 2005HSUA01: Anthony Hsu
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (133)
  • See who I nemesize (127135)
2005HSUA01 Anthony Hsu
View Anthony Hsu's WCA profile
Compare Anthony Hsu with Rafael Algarin
  • 2005ISHI01: Hiroshi Ishino (石野弘司)
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (16318)
  • See who I nemesize (61470)
2005ISHI01 Hiroshi Ishino (石野弘司)
View Hiroshi Ishino (石野弘司)'s WCA profile
Compare Hiroshi Ishino (石野弘司) with Rafael Algarin
  • 2005KOCZ01: István Kocza
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (7)
  • See who I nemesize (111988)
2005KOCZ01 István Kocza
View István Kocza's WCA profile
Compare István Kocza with Rafael Algarin
  • 2005KOSE01: Fumiki Koseki (古関章記)
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (274)
  • See who I nemesize (187063)
2005KOSE01 Fumiki Koseki (古関章記)
View Fumiki Koseki (古関章記)'s WCA profile
Compare Fumiki Koseki (古関章記) with Rafael Algarin
  • 2005KOZK01: Piotr Kózka
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (79)
  • See who I nemesize (166164)
2005KOZK01 Piotr Kózka
View Piotr Kózka's WCA profile
Compare Piotr Kózka with Rafael Algarin
  • 2005KREZ01: Krzysztof Krężelok
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (20604)
  • See who I nemesize (67484)
2005KREZ01 Krzysztof Krężelok
View Krzysztof Krężelok's WCA profile
Compare Krzysztof Krężelok with Rafael Algarin
  • 2005KURC01: Marek Kurcyus
  • View WCA profile
  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (779)
  • See who I nemesize (92558)
2005KURC01 Marek Kurcyus
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Compare Marek Kurcyus with Rafael Algarin
  • 2005LODA01: Daniel Lo
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  • See my nemeses (623)
  • See who I nemesize (83860)
2005LODA01 Daniel Lo
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Compare Daniel Lo with Rafael Algarin
  • 2005LOVI01: Cory Loviglio
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  • See my nemeses (10680)
  • See who I nemesize (96131)
2005LOVI01 Cory Loviglio
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Compare Cory Loviglio with Rafael Algarin
  • 2005LUCZ01: Grzegorz Łuczyna
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  • Head to head with 2003ALGA01
  • See my nemeses (62)
  • See who I nemesize (162815)
2005LUCZ01 Grzegorz Łuczyna
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Compare Grzegorz Łuczyna with Rafael Algarin
  • 2005MARY01: Olivier Mary
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  • See my nemeses (22337)
  • See who I nemesize (45985)
2005MARY01 Olivier Mary
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Compare Olivier Mary with Rafael Algarin
  • 2005NAGY01: Richárd Nagy
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  • See my nemeses (9606)
  • See who I nemesize (86750)
2005NAGY01 Richárd Nagy
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Compare Richárd Nagy with Rafael Algarin
  • 2005NAVA01: Miguel Angel Navalón Valera
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  • See my nemeses (4129)
  • See who I nemesize (83562)
2005NAVA01 Miguel Angel Navalón Valera
View Miguel Angel Navalón Valera's WCA profile
Compare Miguel Angel Navalón Valera with Rafael Algarin
  • 2005OOTS01: Junko Ootsu (大津順子)
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  • See my nemeses (5624)
  • See who I nemesize (92245)
2005OOTS01 Junko Ootsu (大津順子)
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Compare Junko Ootsu (大津順子) with Rafael Algarin
  • 2005PARL01: Chris Parlette
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  • See my nemeses (3211)
  • See who I nemesize (79490)
2005PARL01 Chris Parlette
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Compare Chris Parlette with Rafael Algarin
  • 2005PEER01: Gilles van den Peereboom
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  • See my nemeses (549)
  • See who I nemesize (104078)
2005PEER01 Gilles van den Peereboom
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Compare Gilles van den Peereboom with Rafael Algarin
  • 2005REYN01: Tim Reynolds
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  • See my nemeses (16)
  • See who I nemesize (216485)
2005REYN01 Tim Reynolds
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  • 2005RYBE01: Steve Rybecky
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  • See my nemeses (13527)
  • See who I nemesize (89393)
2005RYBE01 Steve Rybecky
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Compare Steve Rybecky with Rafael Algarin
  • 2005SIMO01: Antoine Simon-Chautemps
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  • See my nemeses (831)
  • See who I nemesize (114683)
2005SIMO01 Antoine Simon-Chautemps
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Compare Antoine Simon-Chautemps with Rafael Algarin
  • 2005SOES01: Jeff Soesbe
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  • See my nemeses (12079)
  • See who I nemesize (55590)
2005SOES01 Jeff Soesbe
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Compare Jeff Soesbe with Rafael Algarin
  • 2005STOE01: Maarten Stoelhorst
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  • See my nemeses (7609)
  • See who I nemesize (61318)
2005STOE01 Maarten Stoelhorst
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Compare Maarten Stoelhorst with Rafael Algarin
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